
Beauty doesn’t Fade, it Evolves.

Last night I posted a picture of me on set of a movie I did, it was supposed to be me in my 60’s.

A lot of people were quick to comment on how I’d look as an old woman, which of course I didn’t mind. It was the constant reminder that my beauty would fade at some point that got me a little and also got me thinking.

“Beauty fades” is a very common phrase people usually use, and it’s mostly directed at women. The constant reminder that at some point I wouldn’t look like this, and even though I accept that, it’s the negativity associated with it that I don’t like.

I realize that it’s a way of humbling women, putting a timeline on their beauty, attractiveness and relevance; for many women we’ve been conditioned to think that are value is tied to how attractive we are to mostly men. It’s how we’re supposed to get ahead in life, get favors and special treatment; and so we’re supposed to capitalize on it while we can.

And it’s why so many women, try desperately to hang on to their youth by doing the most, it’s why the cosmetic industry is worth millions and women are willing to go through scary extremes to remain, “youthful” and “attractive”.

But here’s the thing, I don’t believe Beauty Fades, if anything Beauty Evolves.

It evolves into another kind of beauty; one that like a work of art will be appreciated by those who truly understand its magnificence.

So stop freighting over your wrinkles, grey hair, saggy tits, stretch marks etc, they dont make you less attractive( trust me, they ain’t NEVER stopped no body) you will never go to the next important chapter of your life if you keep hanging on to one that’s ended.

And remember you will always be beautiful, just different that’s all.