
Hello world!

If you’re a regular reader of this blog I’m sure you noticed it’s been down for a few months now.

I won’t lie it’s been very frustrating period and having to accept that content I worked hard to build for several years may have been  lost due to a technical glitch.

But it waiting around for it to be fixed has meant not sharing a lot with you; so I’ve taken the bold step and decided to try start all over again.

Trust me, it’s no easy decision to take, especially when it means giving up nearly 350 articles you dedicated your time and energy to writing; If you’re a writer I’m sure you can relate.

Thankfully I have some saved articles which I will share from time to time but please stick with me as I try to sort all this out or at worst rebuild this site.

To all my dedicated followers thanks for being patient enough to wait; I promise it’s going to be bigger and better.

In the mean time do enjoy the few articles I’ve managed to pull together and those yet to come

They CAN’T STOP us!!

