Kinky Matters

DIY Charcoal Face Mask.

So you know I’m constantly finding natural ways to improve my hair and skin, if I can make it myself at home, then I’m most definitely going to try it.

Which is how I discovered activated charcoal for my skin and hair, yes you read that right ‘ ACTIVATED CHARCOAL’; and let’s just say it’s my new favourite skin and hair care ingredient.

Throughout the day, toxins from the world around us clog our pores. When your pores aren’t clear, neither is your complexion. Activated charcoal’when used in a face mask’binds to and helps pull the dirt out of your pores, making them less visible (it’s the oil and dirt that makes them appear bigger).
Benifits of Activated Charcoal for your Skin.

Make pores smaller and cleaner
Take care of oily skin
Treat acne
Soothe and heal bites, cuts and skin irritations
Charcoal Mask Ingredients
1 tsp bentonite clay

1 tsp activated charcoal powder

2 tsp rose water ( helps to hydrate and fight inflammation.)

½ tsp raw honey


In a small glass bowl add the rose water and Sprinkle the bentonite clay over the top of the water mixture in the bow.


Allow it to absorb for a about 10 seconds and then add the rest of the ingredients.

Add the other ingredients and mix together.


Be sure to use a plastic spoon/ spatula when mixing everything together.


Once your mask is mixed, apply it liberally to your face, be sure to avoid your eye area.


Allow it to dry, about 10 minutes, before washing off with warm water and a wash cloth.

Moisturize your face afterwards, I prefer to use some extra virgin oil or Shea Butter.


* Always patch test an area of your skin first to make sure you do not have any adverse reactions to the mask.

* You can find activated charcoal in the market.
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