
To the most over worked, underpaid workers in the world- Happy Mother’s Day

I think being a mother is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world.

You wake up one day and you’re responsible for this human life, no manuel or rule book- you’re thrown into this new world and expected to care for and raise a whole person.

How they turn out is always on you; even the things that are out of your control.

It’s why mothers- biological or adoptive will always have a special place in my heart.

It’s probably the most over worked, underpaid and exhausting jobs; but they’re so good at it they make it seem easy.

Today I want to celebrate all mothers who continuously put everyone else before themselves; mothers who starve so their children can eat, mothers who cry themselves to sleep because they don’t know what tomorrow will bring, mothers that break their backs for us, egg us on, make the sun shine on the cloudy day and make us feel like the most important people in the world and don’t ask for anything in return – I say THANK YOU.

I especially pray for mothers and children who’ve been lost and will be missed on this day- may you find strength in the memories you shared.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, especially mine who I’m blessed to have a rare( if not the rarest) relationship with. I Love you with everything thing in me and pray that our journey together is filled with lots of memories that can last a lifetime.


Photo by : Gilbert Asante